Where The Mind Goes, Energy Follows

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What to learn with photoshop?

This is not a tutorial on how you go about creating your personal postage stamp, but I can assure you that there are a plethora of photoshop tutorials on the Internet including tutorials for creating postage stamp. One such web site, for example is depiction.net. What are the kernel skill that you need to learn in order to have a good grasp of Adobe Photoshop? There are three essential photoshop knowledge need to be studied if you want to prove you are a Photoshop maven. Firstly, you know how make basic selection, secondly you understand how to use layers in Photoshop (this is absolutely essential ) then thirdly, have a grasp of how layer masks works. Where to learn all these skills? Practice, practice and practice seriously that is the best way because experimentation and play is the key to learning something beyond the basic . A couple of things you can do is use tutorial, there is a wealth of great Photoshop tutorials on the Web, join Adobe photoshop forum, read Photoshop magazines like Photoshop User Magazine from NAPP and read Photoshop books. There are some photoshop books that are really top drawer. Among them, I highly recommend Photoshop Wow book though it was written for Photoshop CS and CS2 but it can still big investment to photoshop users