Where The Mind Goes, Energy Follows

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Be An Energetic Muslim

The word 'Islam' comes from the word 'Salama' which indicates peace as it does surrender to God. When a person submits to the will of Almighty God he will undergo an innate sense of peacefulness. If a person is emotionally disturbed he or she may find their mind inattentive from the real world. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam said that a strong believer was better than a weak believer. He was emphasizing in term of belief and personality but also pointing optimum health and fitness were desirable thus we must take care of our spiritual, emotional and physical health. Our bodies are given to us by Almighty God as a confidence and they should be maintained in good order including handling our bodies with respect, a simple diet and nourishing them with nutritious food. As diet and nutrition play a big part in keeping the best possible health so does a lifestyle including exercise. Fulfilling the duty of the daily performance of five prayers, fasting the month of Ramadhan and performing of the Haj requires that Muslims be of sound health and fitness. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam guides his followers to work, to be active and to start their day early, all of which are are prerequisite for a healthy body.