Where The Mind Goes, Energy Follows

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prophet Muhammad's Birthday in the Belait District

Sabda Rasulullah SAW "Sesungguhnya seutama-utama manusia (orang terdekat) dengan aku pada hari kiamat adalah mereka yang lebih banyak berselawat kepadaku" (An-Nasai, Ibnu Hibban)

On the Day of Qiyamah, the closest to me from among the people will be those who have read the most amount of salawat" (Abdullah ibnu Mas'ud)

In the Belait District the mass gathering and procession to commemorate the birthday of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was held at the municipal field with over 7,000 people taking part. The chief guest was the Permanent Secretary at the Priminister's Office, Awg. Haji Omar bin Abdul Rahman.

A section of the women during the gathering

Women section performing dikir Marhaban

Muslims gathered at the Belait's municipal field

In a ready state to MC the event

Proud and eager participants

I came across an avid photographer at the event

Religious teachers from Sekolah Ugama Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar

Blacksteel in action (Seninet team) Yeaah..get'em in for a picture!

Sekolah Ugama Panaga, Seria

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ready to Celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Celebration

Muslims all over the country will be celebrating Maulud Nabi on February 26 (Saturday) this year with a mass gathering and procession to mark the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) birth to be held in all four districts. Traditionally, Prophet Muhammad's birthday in the Belait District will take place at the Padang Bandaran, Kuala Belait.
Dikir recital ceremony in conjunction with the upcoming Maulud Nabi celebrations. The zikir recital was read after the Isya Prayer.

In conjunction with the upcoming Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) birthday celebrations, government ministries and departments all over the country will be holding Dikir recitals to mark the upcoming celebrations. The Zikir recital will continue every night until February 25, the night before Prophet's birthday celebrations.

Dikir participants from Religious Teachers in Belait District
The event further illuminated with Dikir Marhaban
Shown above is Maulud slogan, written in Arabic (Quranic Verse) that says: O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad, PBUH), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority
The Maulud banner is normally carried by four people as the leader of the group
Banner installation
Installation crew mount a banner on a custom made banner frame
The original artwork for the banner shown above

The Maulud banner carries the theme: Ilahi Selamatkan Brunei Darussalam (O Allah, Save Brunei Darussalam)
The original artwork for another banner. Written in Thuluth style calligraphy is a Quranic verse that says: 'Allah and His angles send blessings on the Prophet, You that believe! send blessings on him and salute him with all respect

A banner carrying a verse taken from the Quran (shown above)

Final execution

Alhamdulillah...the installation work is complete

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Taati Allah. Rasulullah dan Ulul Amri

Dimusim Perayaan Sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW, lazimnya setiap pasukan yang turut serta dalam perarakan Maulud akan membawa kain sepanduk yang dihiasi dengan tulisan khat yang memaparkan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran yang bersesuaian dengan tema Sambutan Hari Keputeraan Baginda Rasulullah SAW. Ayat suci al-Quran di atas adalah ayat yang dipilih menjadi sepanduk Jawatan Kuasa Sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW Bagi Daerah Belait Tahun 1341 H /1020 M. 'Design' kain sepanduk (Khat dan latar belakang) di reka dengan perisian grafik Adobe Photoshop dan Illustrator.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ilmu Allah Maha Luas