Where The Mind Goes, Energy Follows

Friday, October 30, 2009

Doa Nabi Allah Yunus

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My 1st Vector

Setelah mempelajari beberapa teknik melukis menggunakan AI dari Mr.Seninet, Ini adalah hasil lukisan 'Vector' pertama menggunakan AI yang saya lukis pagi tadi. Diminta komen dari Mr.Seninet.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Khat Digital

Ya Allah sesungguhnya Engkau Amat Pemaaf, menyukai kemaafan, maka maafkanlah aku

Monday, October 19, 2009

Anjuran Berdoa

Balek kerja aku rehat sekejap sambil membaca buku "Senjata Rahsia Orang Mukmin" karangan Ustaz AB. Latif Muda. Aku baca bab bertajuk Tuntuan Berdoa Dan Kelebihannya. Di bahagian ini diselitkan petikan ayat suci Al-Quran yang bermaksud: "Dan Tuhan kamu berfirman: "Berdoalah kamu kepadaku nescaya aku perkenankan doa permohonan mu". Aku pun on komputer dan buatkan kaligrafi digital ayat tersebut. Alhamdulillah aku dapat selesaikan dalam masa kira-kira 1 jam lebih.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Khat Nastalik

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Ahlan Wa Sahlan

"Ahlan Wa Sahlan Wa Marhaban Bikum". Adunan kreativity antara Illustrator dan Photoshop

Anak Kita Masa Depan Kita

Friday, October 16, 2009

I think before I ink

My hand always need to be illustrating something. The Pen tool in illustrator is fun to fidget with and Eureka!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Karikatur...Kadangk-kadang bila waktu boring jejari illustratorku bergerak-gerak menghasilkan karikatur. Ini adalah hasil kerjaku dengan Adobe Illustrator.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pengodam Komputer Sudah Tahu Rahsia Facebook

Para peminat Facebook mestilah lebih berhati-hati untuk meluluskan permintaan sahabat baru menjadi teman anda di Facebook. Saya baru membaca satu post dari sebuah blog oleh Roger Thompson pengkaji bagi Syarikat Antivirus dan Sekuriti Internet AVG Technology. Beliau memperlihatkan beberapa imej bagaimana pegodam menemui cara mencipta halaman facebook untuk memperdaya pengguna dalam usaha menyebarkan spyware. Roger Thompson menjelaskan bahawa pengguna AVG's LinkScanner telah mula mengesan serangan spyware yang datangnya dari halaman Facebook. Apabila AVG memeriksa halaman berkenaan, ia mendapati bahawa profile Facebook menonjolkan beberapa gambar wanita yang sama tetapi memiliki nama yang berlainan untuk membezakan profile berkenaan. Setiap halaman mempunyai pautan kepada sesuatu yang disangka sebagai 'video' yang akan menjangkitkan komputer pengguna dengan spyware jika diklik. Serangan spyware kepada Facebook seiiring dengan peringatan FBI yang menjelaskan bertambahnya penjenayah siber yang memanfaatkan laman social networking untuk melancarkan serangan seperti menggunakan Facebook. Antara teknik yang popular digunakan oleh pengodam ialah menyamun akaun pengguna dan mengirim spam kepada mangsa yang kemudiannya mengarahkan mangsa pergi ke laman phishing dan menggunakan program malware dan antivirus untuk mengakses maklumat peribadi mangsa yang terdapat diprofil. Sila layari laman berikut untuk melihat muslihat pengodam.

Hilangkan Keupayaan AutoRun CD

AutoRun CD boleh kita ibaratkan pisau, pisau boleh digunakan untuk memotong daging atau membunuh. Maksudnya disini AutoRun CD kadang-kadang ada menfaat juga ada bahaya. Pengodam boleh menjangkitkan komputer dengan trojan menggunakan CD dengan hanya memprogram autorun.inf untuk menghidupkan trojan apabila CD berkenaan berada di dalam status autoplay (arahan memainkan CD secara automatik). Disamping masalah sekuriti, autorun boleh menyebabkan gangguan kepada komputer. Pernahkah anda menghadapi masalah dimana apabila anda memuatkan CD yang telah lama atau CD yang agak rosak sedikit, kandungan CD dibaca dan autorun diproses mengambil masa yang terlalu lama sehingga komputer anda freez (tersekat) dan tambah menyusahkan lagi, anda tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa melainkan setelah anda secara manual mengeluarkan CD berkenaan. Ada satu trick untuk mencegah berlakunya autorun apabila CD dimasukkan ke dalam komputer. Tekan butang SHIFT beberapa ketika apabila anda memuatkan CD kedalam komputer. Dengan cara yang sedemikian anda boleh mencegah CD dimainkan secara automatik apabila dimasukkan ke dalam pemacu CD.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Apakah dia UBuntu?

Ok, :) Kali ini saya mencuba untuk mengongsi apa yang saya faham dengan sistem operasi UBuntu. Apakah sebenarnya UBuntu? Kalau dalam bahasa Brunei perkataan 'Buntu ' bermakna 'busuk' misalnya dalam ayat "eh buntu sudah daging ah, maksudnya daging itu sudah busuk (berbau tidak sedap). Dalam Kamus Dewan, buntu itu ialah mati misalnya jalan buntu, fikiran buntu dan adalagi satu iaitu usus buntu (usus yang tersekat hujungnya). Dalam konteks sistem pengendalian (operating system)UBuntu, ia bermaksud satu komuniti atau kumpulan orang-orang yang membangun satu sistem pengoperasian yang lengkap untuk keperluan laptop, desktop dan server tidak kira sama ada anda akan menggunakanya di rumah, sekolah atau di tempat kerja, UBuntu memiliki apa saja keperluan yang anda perlukan dari aplikasi pemproses perkataan, email , server pelayan hinggalah keperluan untuk alat pengaturcaraan. Anda tidak perlu membayar sebarang kos untuk memakai UBuntu dan tidak perlu membayar sebarang lesen (licensing fee), anda boleh memuat turun, berkongsi UBuntu dengan rakan-rakan, keluarga, di sekolah dan tempat perniagaan dengan percuma. Pembina UBuntu mempastikan bahawa mereka akan sentiasa mengemaskinikan UBuntu setiap enam bulan sekali, ini bermaksud anda akan sentiasa memiliki secara percuma sistem operasi UBuntu yang terkini. UBuntu dibena dengan mengutamakan ciri-ciri keselamatan, di dalam laman web ini, komuniti UBuntu menegaskan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya pengguna UBuntu akan memperolehi pengemaskinian sekuriti setiap 18 bulan sekali untuk sistem pengoperasian desktop dan pelayan web. Segala keperluan untuk memasang sistem operasi UBuntu lengkap disediakan dalam sebuah CD yang dapat memenuhi keperluan persekitaran kerja manakala perisian tambahan boleh didapati di dalam talian. Proses installasi UBuntu berasaskan antara muka bergrafik membolehkan anda menginstal UBuntu dengan mudah dan cepat. Standart installasi hanya mengambil masa kurang dari 25 minit. Apabila semuanya sudah dipasang sistem pengoperasian UBuntu tersedia untuk digunakan. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai pemasangan dan lain-lain hal yang berkaitan dengan UBuntu anda boleh melayari blog ini Informasi disediakan dalam bahasa melayu. Wassalam.

BerICT & Berilmu

Jika kita memiliki Ilmu, adalah lebih baik ilmu itu kita amalkan atau ajarkan kepada orang supaya panjang amalan kita, tentulah ilmu yang dimaksudkan itu ialah ilmu yang bermanfaat. Yah ..knowledge is good if it is shared...kalau kita berilmu kita tak share..akhirnya ia akan berkubur dengan kita, tak adalah orang yang merwarisinya..tinggallah ilmu yang dulunya 10 menjadi 9 atau 8 kerana ilmu yang ke-10 tidak boleh diajarkan takut-takut nanti murid lawan taukeh. Sedikit masa lagi di blog ini saya akan mengongsikan informasi tentang perkomputeran yang mudah dipelajari yang berupa tip dan petua berkomputer, misalnya kalau kita tidak mampu membeli antivirus komersial apa langkah yang patut kita buat untuk untuk mendapat antivirus secara percuma. Bukanlah niat kita mengajar anda mencuri atau menghack..itu dah menyalahi peraturan hidup beragama. Kalau anda tersalah delete program atau data dikomputer bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya semula? tentu menarik..Inilah yang kita maksudkan berICT dan berilmu. Ini bukan iklan e-book, bukan COBAAAAAN..ini yang benaraaan.. Insya Allah kita akan terangkan nanti bagaimana caranya.

Huruf & Zukhruf

Huruf Wau Thuluth dan Zukhruf

Adobe Illustrator temanku

Aku tak tahu kemana lagi aku harus melangkahkan kaki ini..

Clip Art

Sebahagian daripada koleksi 'Clip art Islam', grafik vektor dalam bentuk clip art yang pernah dijual dipasaran. Clip art ini sesuai untuk dijadikan illustrasi bagi buku panduan mengerjakan solat lelaki dan perempuan'. Ia dihasilkan dalam format Adobe Illustrator bagi memudahkan pengguna memebesarkan saiz lukisan berkenaan tanpa menjejaskan kualiti imej.

Khat Thuluth

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dalam Proses Mengubah Layout Blog

Kepada pengunjung blog Seninet, sebagaimana yang anda saksikan blog Seninet pada masa ini paparanya agak simple saja, hal ini disebabkan kerja pengubahsuaian sedang dalam proses. So minta maaf jika keadaan ini menyebabkan rasa inconvenience dipihak anda sebagai pengunjung setia blog ini. To all Seninet's visitors, currently I am in the proses of changing the layout of Seninet's blog site, I am really sorry for the inconvenience.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fur Effect

Our Effort To Promote Jawi Calligraphy
Double click the image to enlarge it. The enlarged image provides more detail of the image so that you can see the fur effect applied to the image

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jangan Marah Nanti Kena Jual


I am a big fan of P. Ramlee, his black and white movies especially his comedies, you may agree or you may not if I say there are some moral teaching in them. I like to explore every detail of his movies that I could think of, taking into account dialog, imagery, action, music etc. In one of his comedy 'Tiga Abdul" there is a catch-phrase "Jangan marah nanti kena jual", a written contract between 3 Abdul and Sadiqsigaraga that they must retain their anger. What is the message of this simple phrase? What happen to those who easily give way to anger? Anger gives one non-rational thinking thus in a moment of heat people say things that they don't really mean, make their blood boil which kill the light of iman and anger is one of the doors which syaitan enters the heart and iman leaves. In The Art of War written by Shun Zhu in the 6th century BC, one of the rules is simply to anger your opponent and you will have advantage over him because he will make an irrational move in anger and thus you can win. This is what Shaitan does to us, only wise man keeps himself under control but manipulators can take advantage of this situation because some people are going to encourage you to be rude when you are angry. Remember: Anger arises hatred, hatred arises envy, envy arises malice, malice arises worry, worry arises depression and depression arises black magic! Now note the danger an angry intention: The killer and killed are the same in the fire! Why the victim is also in the hell? Because both had intention to kill.


Zikr Beads

Zikr beads, also known as 'Misbaha', these are typically beads upon a string, 99 or 100 in number which correlate with Names of Allah in the Al-Quran or other recitation. The beads are used to keep track of the number of repetitive utterances that makes up the zikr. Some Islamic scholars argue that using the beads are forbidden. However many claim that to use the fingers to count is better as that is what practised by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Zikr beads are most commonly made of various stones or wooden beads but also of olive seeds, ivory, amber, pearls or plastic. Beside 99 beads, zikr beads also consist of the 'nisane', a disc which separates each 33 beads.

2nd verse of Surah Maryam

Kaf-ha-ya-ain-saad. The meaning of this is known only to Allah, Most High. This story which follows is a reminder of your Lord’s being merciful upon the state of his chosen slave Zakariya ('Alaihissalaam)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The entire verses of Surah Al-Qadr

Here are the five verses of Surah Al-Qadr (completed verses) enhanced with photoshop. See the black and white version of the calligraphy here

5th verse of Surah Al-Qadr

There is a peace until the appearance of dawn
Said bin Mansur said: "Hushaym narrated to us on the sincerity of Abu Ishaq who narrated that Asha'bi said concerning Allah statement: "With every matter, there is peace until the appearance of dawn" The angles giving the greetings of peace during the Night of Al-Qadar to the people in the Masjid until the coming of fajr (dawn)

4th verse of Surah Al-Qadr

Therein descend the Angels and the Roh by their Lord's permission with every matter
It means that the Angels descend in abundance during the night of Al-Qadr due to its abundance blessings. The Angels descend with the descending of blessing and mercy. Just as they descend when the Quran is recite, they surround the circle of Zikir (remeberence of Allah) and they lower their wings with true respect for the student of knowledge Coming up in the next post: 5th verse of surah Al-Qadr ( the last verse)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3rd verse of Surah Al-Qadr

The Night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. Aside form the fact that worship during the night of Al-Qadr is equivalent to worship performed for a period of one thousand month, it is also confirm in the two Sahihs from Abu Hurairah that the messenger of Allah said: Whoever stand in prayer ( during the Night of Al-Qadr) with faith and execting reward (from Allah) he will be forgiven for his previous sin (Fathul Bari: 294 and Muslim 125:3) Coming up in the next post: the 4th verse of Surah Al-Qadr

Monday, October 5, 2009

2nd Verse of Surah Al-Qadr

And what make you know what the night of Qadr is?
The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurairah said: "When Ramadhan would come the Messenger of Allah would says: "Verily the month of Ramadhan has come to you all. It is a blessed month. Which Allah obligated you all to fast. During it the gates of Paradise is open. The gates of Hell are closed and the devils are shackled. In it there is a night that better than a thousand month. Whoever is deprived of its good, the he is truly been deprived." Tafsir Ibnu Kathir Coming up in the next post: the 3rd verse of surah Al-Qadr...

Surah Al-Qadr (The Night Of Power)

Varily we have sent it down in the Night of Al-Qadr
Allah informs that He sent the Al-Quran down during the night of Al-Qadr and it is a blessed night in which Allah says: We sent it down on a blessed night [44:3] This is night of Al-Qadr and it occurs during the month of Ramadhan, This is Allah says: The month of Ramadhan in which revealed the Al- Quran [2:185]

Sunday, October 4, 2009


(The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.
The above verse is the last verse of Surah Al-Qadar. Surah Al-Qadar is the 97th surah of the Quran. Revealed in Makkah. Allah s.w.t explain the virtues and greatness of this wonderful Night.

Yang Lama-Lama

Here is my first comic book's cover (I still have a number of unfinished design) and still work on it

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Pure Hypocrite

Narrated Abdullah bin 'Amr The Prophet Muhammad Salallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said: Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up: 1. Whenever he is entrusted he betrays 2. Whenever he speaks he tells a lie 3. Whenever he makes a covenant he proves treacherous 4. Whenever he quarrels he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner During a lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, the Munafiqen (hypocrites) did the worse damage. Munafiqen rose up in rebellion against Sayidina Uthman ibnu 'Affan and martyred him. TANDA-TANDA KEMUNAFIKAN Hadith Abdullah bin Amru r. a katanya: Rasululah Salallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam pernah bersabda: Ada empat perkara jika sesiapa yang mempunyai empar perkara tersebut, maka dia merupakan orang munafik: Sesiapa yang bersifat dengan salah satu daripadanya bererti dia bersifat munafik, sehinggalah dia meninggalkannya iaitu: 1. Apabila bercakap dia berdusta 2. Apabila dia membuat persetujuan dia mengkhianati 3. Apabila berjanji dia menyalahi 4. Apabila berlaku perkelahian dia melampaui batas (Riwayat Muslim)

We are accountable for their success

This is the second time I use this image for my blog. In my previous post using the same image I have breifly mentioned about Kufi style of Arabic calligraphy . But this time I would like to say a few words about the Arabic phrase in the above image. It is just one of the Quranic verse from Surah Al-Kahfi that is interpreted as "Your riches and your children may be but a trial" (Qur'an 64:15)
Every faithful muslim, man or woman keeps going to be tested in person, posessions and children in order he or she to meet Allah clear of sin. The forbearance we endure for all strain in this life dictate the reward and forgiveness we will receive in the day of Resurrection.
Since our children are but a trial it is then our duty to instill our children to Islam. It is only through Islam that they can become good and be of service to Allah. It means that we pass Allah's trial when our children worship and please our creator. Remember that the best things that we can give to our children is knowledge of Islam based on the Quran and Sunnah. Bear in mind that we learn authentic knowledge of Islam not only for our own success but to be able to share the knowledge with others, especially to our children since as parent we are accountable to their success and failure.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Brief Info on Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic calligraphy is an authentic Islamic and Arabic art. It is intelligible, the significant component of the Arabic inheritance because it is the spring wherein all Arab tradition, over subsequent generation, are mingling to develop such everlasting cultural heritage. At the beginning Arabic letters had no dots, but during the Abbasside era dots and punctuations marks were developed. Calligraphy materials take the form of boards, stones, pottery and leather but towards the end of Omiade State 133H and early in the Abbasside State dramatic change was made in calligraphy stuff when Arab found the technique of making papers in Samarkand, Central Asia. AlFostat the first Islamic and Egyptian city was famous as one calligraphy progressing center. Ibn Tollon mosque harbors distinctive models of tremendous masterpieces.

Download Basmalah for use with Microsoft Word

There is a new link for you to download Basmalah phrase for use directly in Microsoft Word document. This is a big plus for those who don't have Adobe Illustrator. Click here first

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Menahan Kemarahan

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: Orang yang kuat bukan orang yang dapat menumbangkan lawan ,tetapi orang yang dapat mengawal diri ketika marah. He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.