Where The Mind Goes, Energy Follows

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Kepada pengunjung setia laman SeniNet, ketika ini blog ini sedang dalam proses penukaran blog inteface yang baru..maklumlah sempena menyambut kedatangan tahun baru 2010, selera berblog pun seharusnya ditukarlah, bak kata pepatah 'Sekali air bah, sekali pasir berubah. Sementalah pulak musim ini musim hujan..haaa adalah satu dua kawasan yang dilanda banjir...inilah lumrah alam biasa lah tuuu kita cuma merancang, Allah yang menentukan. Dalam kesempatan ini saya selaku penglola blog SeniNet mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi terima kasih kepada pelawat-pelawat blog SeniNet.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Allah Suka Orang Yang Bersungguh-sungguh

Setiap pekerjaan yang akan kita lakukan seharusnyalah kita kerjakan dengan sebaik mungkin. Dengan melakukan kewajipan dan pekerjaan kita dalam keadaan yang terbaik bukan saja peluang untuk kita dipilih sebagai pekerja terbaik malahan peluang untuk kita disokong untuk jawatan yang lebih baik adalah cerah. Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam dalam pernah bersabda ( hadith di atas): Sesungguhnya Allah suka salah seorang daripada kamu melakukan perkerjaan bersungguh-sungguh"


We should do our job in the best way we can. By giving priority and best to our duties not only we will be acclaimed as a special worker we will also find lots of offers to move on. The prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said: "Allah likes you if anyone of you do a work to perfect it".

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah 1341

Semoga saudara muslimin muslimat diseluruh pelusuk dunia menikmati suasana gembira, sehat wal 'afiat, sejahtera, aman damai, dan dilimpahkan keluasan rezeki semuanya. Di ambang tahun baru hijarah kali ini adalah masa yang sesuai untuk kita meneliti semula, melihat apa yang telah kita lakukan dalam tempoh setahun yang lalu dan bagaimanakah pula bentuk perbezaan kehidupan yang akan kita tempuhi ditahun baru hijrah 1431 yang akan menjelang dalam sedikit masa lagi. Disinilah titik tolak untuk kita membina azam tahun baru dimana ramai orang bertekad untuk berbuat sesuatu atau mengubah watak menjadi manusia yang lain dari tahun yang sebelumnya. Selamat Menyambut tahun Baru Islam

May everyone of you muslim brother and sister have a happy, healthy, prosperous and abundance. This is the appropriate time of reflection, considering over what we have done over the past year and how we will be dissimilar in the coming Islamic year of 1431. That is the basis of the new year intention to accomplish something or be a new person they were not the year before. Happy Islamic New Year.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Demi Masa

Khat Thuluth Surah Al-Asr. Khat asal sebelum diberi 'nafas' Photoshop boleh dilihat pada posting aku sebelumnya 'Beat Indecision and You Beat the Clock'. Semoga kita sebagai umat Islam dapat memanfaatkan 'masa' dalam kehidupan kita dengan berlandaskan ajaran Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Untuk berjaya di dunia ini apatah lagi dapat kemenangan yang haqiqi di akhirat nanti kita seharusnya mengurus masa kita dengan bijak dengan melakukan amal ibadat yang di ridai Allah, meluangkan masa mempelajari dan memperdalami rahsia kandungan kitab Al-Quran dan As-Suunah dan dalam masa yang sama menghayati ajarannya dalam kehidupan kita di dunia yang hanya bersifat sementara.

Beat Indescision and you beat the clock

We often hear the popular saying or quote about time, 'time is gold'. In reality time is more than gold or any priceless things in this world. Islam guide mankind not only to the significance of time but also how people praise and invest the time. Allah the Almighty make this clear in the Qur'an when He says:

By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. Qur'an (103:1-3)

In line with the above Qur'an direction we have to save time by spending it wisely, which really means investing it properly. Invest your time in bettering yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. As a muslim, we must be prompt in doing good deeds which will strengthen our iman or faith and following this enable us to gain Allah pleasure and mercy.

I often hear people constantly complaining, "I havent' just got the time." The truth is, you have enough time, if you know how to invest it. Goethe once said, "We always have time enough, if we will but use right." We are all definitely born equal. You don't have more time than I have, and nobody has less. In fact, no one can inherit time or keep it in a bank to gather interest. Wherever you go, an hour contains sixty minutes no matter who is spending it and even knowing the 'right' people cannot get you more than twenty-four hours per day.

On the Day of Judgment we shall be asked how we spent our lives, wealth and knowledge, that is, we will be questioned on how we spent everything that Allah has given us as narrated in the following Hadith:

Narrated Abdullah Bin Mas`ud Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:

"A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had."

In other Hadith The Prophet Mohammad Sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam , urged Muslims to take the initiative to do good deeds before any difficulty arise. For instance, he said, "Lose no time to do good deeds before you are caught up by one of seven calamities awaiting you: a starvation which may impair your wisdom; a prosperity which may mislead you; an ailment which may damage your health; an old age which may harm your senses; a sudden death; the Dajjal (Antichrist); or Doomsday, which is indeed the hardest and most bitter." (at-Tirmidhi, al-Baihaqi) For some strange reason, the busiest people have time for anything. There is an old saying that says: "If you want something done quickly, give it to a man who is too busy to do it. He'll find time for it." The reason is that a busy person can't afford to let the tasks mount up. In fact, if you accomplish one thing at a time, all the jobs are usually taken care of. The busy man has to learn to arrange and economize his time. To him, time is too expensive a commodity to handle waste fully. Organization is certainly essential in order to use time properly.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Be An Energetic Muslim

The word 'Islam' comes from the word 'Salama' which indicates peace as it does surrender to God. When a person submits to the will of Almighty God he will undergo an innate sense of peacefulness. If a person is emotionally disturbed he or she may find their mind inattentive from the real world. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam said that a strong believer was better than a weak believer. He was emphasizing in term of belief and personality but also pointing optimum health and fitness were desirable thus we must take care of our spiritual, emotional and physical health. Our bodies are given to us by Almighty God as a confidence and they should be maintained in good order including handling our bodies with respect, a simple diet and nourishing them with nutritious food. As diet and nutrition play a big part in keeping the best possible health so does a lifestyle including exercise. Fulfilling the duty of the daily performance of five prayers, fasting the month of Ramadhan and performing of the Haj requires that Muslims be of sound health and fitness. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam guides his followers to work, to be active and to start their day early, all of which are are prerequisite for a healthy body.